Bedsore Prevention Research
A lot of research, largely done by the CSIRO in Australia, led to the production methods that became known as :AMS = Australian Medical Sheepskin AS4480.1 Once developed, the AMS was then tested in clinical trials to determine its effectiveness. The first major trial was carried out at the Royal Melbourne Hospital,, with the results being published in medical journals. Some of the studies that have since tested the AMS can be found below.
1. Expert Decubitus ulcer, Bedsore & Pressure Sore information:
- CSIRO Brochure- about the Australian Medical Sheepskin
- 3 Tips for Preventing Pressure Sores: MacMaster University:
Sheepskin overlays also help lower the likelihood of pressure sores. Remember to change position regularly. Setting an alarm or playing music. Research results from MacMaster University
sheepskin (meeting Australian Standard 4480.1‐1998) in preventing pressure ulcers in a
general hospital population at low to moderate risk of these ulcers.
investigate the effectiveness of the Australian Medical Sheepskin (AMS) in the prevention of
sacral pressure ulcers in somatic nursing home patients.
effects and costs. One such preventive device is the Australian Medical Sheepskin that has
been proven effective in three randomized trials.
such pressure relieving material is the recently developed Australian Medical Sheepskin
Novel immobilization of a quaternary ammonium moiety on keratin fibers for medical applications
homes for the prevention and treatment of pressure sores, bed sores and decubitus ulcers, due
to their superior pressure, shear, heat, and moisture dissipation capabilities.
A charity that is made up of volunteers, supporters, professionals and campaigners who all have one goal in mind – to reduce the suffering that is caused by wounds.
- The Wound Care Information Network @
The WCIN has been educating patients and healthcare providers since 1995. It was started by two doctors who realized that the Internet was a wonderful vehicle for providing educational information.
- Wounds @
Wounds is the most widely read, peer-reviewed journal focusing on wound care and wound research. The information disseminated to our readers includes valuable research and commentaries on tissue repair and regeneration, biology and biochemistry of wound healing, and clinical management of various wound etiologies.
- American Board of Wound Management @
The American Board of Wound Management is dedicated to the multi-disciplinary team approach in promoting the science of prevention, care, and treatment of acute and chronic wounds. The primary function is to establish and monitor a national certification process, recognize competency, promote education and research, and elevate the standard of care across the continuum of wound management.
- Family Doctor @
Discusses Pressures Sores by : Description, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Prevention and Living with Pressure sores.
- Association for the Advancement of Wound Care @
The Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC) is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the research and clinical application of evidence-based wound care.
- Wounds Canada @
Wounds Canada (Canadian Association of Wound Care), is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of wound prevention and management by being the leading knowledge mobilization organization relating to wounds in Canada. Wounds Canada’s efforts are focused on four key areas: Education, Research, Advocacy & Awareness and Partnerships.
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) provides interprofessional leadership to improve patient outcomes in pressure injury prevention and management through education, public policy and research.
Their aim is to provide relief for persons suffering from, or at risk of, pressure ulcers, through research and the education of the public and by influencing pressure ulcer policy in all European countries towards an adequate patient centred and cost effective pressure ulcer care.”
The Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers in Primary and Secondary Care
Hospice palliative care strives to help patients and families:
- address physical, psychological, social, spiritual and practical issues, and their associated expectations, needs, hopes and fear.
- prepare for and manage self-determined life closure and the dying process
- Cope with loss and grief during the illness and bereavement.
- Quality Indicators for Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers in Vulnerable Elders
Study showed that if a vulnerable elder is identified as at risk for pressure ulcer development or a pressure ulcer risk assessment score indicates that the person is at risk, THEN a preventive intervention addressing repositioning needs and pressure reduction (or management of tissue loads) must be instituted within 12 hours BECAUSE reduction or elimination of risk factors can prevent pressure ulcer formation.
Risk Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians Risk Assessment and Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; Tanveer P. Mir, MD; Melissa Starkey, PhD; Thomas D. Denberg, MD, PhD, for the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians* Ann Intern Med. 2015;162(5):359-369. doi:10.7326/M14-1567
A series of studies looking into assessment of patients susceptible to pressure sores. ACP = American College of Physicians
Recommendation 1: ACP recommends that clinicians should perform a risk assessment to identify patients who are at risk of developing pressure ulcers. (Grade: weak recommendation, low-quality evidence)
Recommendation 2: ACP recommends that clinicians should choose advanced static mattresses or advanced static overlays in patients who are at an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers. (Grade: strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence)
Recommendation 3: ACP recommends against using alternating-air mattresses or alternating-air overlays in patients who are at an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers. (Grade: weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence)
2. For information about the development and properties of Australian Medical Sheepskins see:
Australian Medical Sheepskin have been proven effective in three randomized trials. In this study the costs and savings from the use of the Australian Medical Sheepskin were investigated from the perspective of a nursing home.
3. Aged Care Online Directory
- Aged Care Online
A directory of Aged Care facilities and services throughout Australia. - Aged Care Employment
A national employment web portal specifically for the Aged Care industry.
4. International Links
The Wound Management Association is a voluntary non profitable organization whose main objectives are:
- To promote a multi-professional approach to Wound Management
- To promote the highest standard of Wound Management through education
- To promote research into all aspects of Wound Management
- To disseminate reports and publications relating to the work of the association
5. Australian Links
- Health Victoria @
On-Line Training for aged care Workers
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare @
Produce authoritative and accessible information and statistics to inform and support better policy and service delivery decisions, leading to better health and well being for all Australians.
6. Journals
Peer reviewed papers dealing with the latest advances in wound care research.