Medical Sheepskins that prevent Bedsores

Medical Sheepskins that prevent Bedsores

The Bedsore Prevention Store provides Australian Medical Sheepskin and Merino WOOL products that protect & treat people with fragile skin. These Australian products will prevent & treat Bedsores, Pressure Sores and Decubitus Ulcers.

What Causes Bedsores?

Long hours spent lying in bed can often result in bedsores. Bedsores develop when blood supply to the skin and underlying tissues is reduced or blocked. Reduced  blood supply is often caused by increased pressure on the skin. Increased pressure on the skin may reduce blood supply to the area involved. Oxygen and nutrients will then not be able to reach nearby tissues nor can waste metabolites be removed. Cell death results and a bedsore starts to develop. This is only the beginning. Things get worse if this increased skin pressure persists.

Bedsores start before inflammation and redness of the skin are seen. Redness may progress to deep purple bruises. If pressure in the area is not relieved, further tissue death may occur and skin breakdown begins. Infection becomes an issue with skin breakdown. Sepsis is one of the leading causes of amputation and death.

A decubitus ulcer can invade the tissues below the skin. Some ulcers reach the muscles and underlying bones. Healing may take weeks, months, or even years, Skin grafts may be necessary to seal the wound. Some decubitus ulcers may require further surgery. Therefore, bedsore prevention is preferable to treating  a wound that has developed. Prevention is much simpler and less costly than bedsore treatment. 

Beds and Matresses Purposed for Bed confined People- Special beds, some with alternating pressure mattresses, may be useful for preventing bedsores. They are designed to reduce pressure points in the hope that this will prevent pressure sores. Areas of the body where bony projections are not well covered by muscle and fat are prone to bedsore development. For example, the hip bones, tail bone and heels are most likely to develop bedsores. There are different kinds of "dynamic" surfaces that mechanically reduce the pressure under the patient. The mattress contains air cells that alternately expand and contract to produce a mattress surface that uniformly disperses a person's weight and reduces pressure points. This is not the final answer, however. Many mattresses are made from synthetic material, causing the patient to sweat more than usual.

Australian Medical Sheepskin & Merino Lambswool for Pressure Ulcer Prevention

For bedsore prevention, we recommend Australian Medical Sheepskin and Merino Lambswool products.

These products have undergone extensive clinical trials, and have long term users testify to their effectiveness. Clinical trials have proven that Australian Medical Sheepskin decreases the occurrence of bedsores or pressure sores by 58%. Other sheepskin may be too thin for these purposes, Australian Medical Sheepskin (AS4480.1) are ideal and effective.

Australian Medical Sheepskin and Merino Lambswool products use of Woolskin makes it very easy to manage and maintain them. They are urine resistant and easily washed in a machine. When looked after properly, these products will have a very long life span.

Use of these specialised products will add comfort, protection and peace of mind for caregivers. 

What Else Can I Do to Prevent Bedsores?

Bedsores can be painful and deadly.

The good news is that following a few simple rules can decrease the possibility of developing a bedsore.

  • Firstly, change position at least every 2 hours. Turning stops pressure points developing and improves comfort.
  • Use a Wool / Sheepskin Overlay on the mattress.
  • Take good care of your skin
  • Having a good diet
  • Stay hydrated, quitting smoking, reduce stress, and exercise regularly- if possible.

All of these factors can help to prevent pressure sores and also to treat a person who has already developed pressure sores..

Bedsore and Pressure Sore Prevention is the kindest thing you can do for someone who is confined to a bed or wheelchair. A Pressure Sore can develop in 20 minutes and may take up to 6 months to heal. Some ulcers never heal, in spite of the best efforts of the caregivers. Australian Medical Sheepskin and Merino Lambswool products have been shown to be effective in preventing pressure sores. Clinical trials and long term users testify to their effectiveness. Australian Medical Sheepskins have been shown to be the BEST and most effective in clinical trials. Our 50 wash guarantee indicates manufacturer confidence in this product.

Pressure Sore Prevention is a major concern for all people who are confined or are caring for a person who spends a lot of time in a bed or wheelchair. Prevention is much easier than trying to treat a pressure sore.

The stamp on the backing of a sheepskin product is your guarantee that the product is  a therapeutic  Australian Medical Sheepskin AS4480.1.

This Australian Standard was developed by Australian research scientists at the CSIRO, and certifies that it was Made in Australia from Australian sheep, has been tested in clinical trials, and prevents pressure sores.

Best care of your special friend or relative, involves maintaining their skin integrity and improving their comfort level. You can do both with Australian Medical Sheepskin and Merino Wool products. Used worldwide in hospitals and nursing homes, these "Gold Standard " products enhance comfort and prevent/treat pressure sores, bed sores, and decubitus ulcers.

All products aid and are recommended for people who are or may become incontinent. These products are Urine Resistant (UR). Urine Resistant products will not break down due to incontinence issues; and are recommended for users who are confined to a bed or wheelchair.

See our extensive collection of premium quality Australian Medical Sheepskin & Merino Wool Products by clicking: Product List. If you need help deciding what product(s) are the best solution for your need: Call: 1- 800- 463-1985 

Decision Guide to aid your purchase:

1. Pad Size

         ● M103XD, F103A, and M129D— For local areas such as feet, buttocks, head, etc.
         ● M102, M102C, and F103B— For shoulders to below buttocks
         ● SC104, SC104XD, F103C, and M118— For the whole Body

2. Pressure Reduction Material:

         ● Best— Australian Medical Sheepskin AS4480.1— GREEN— 3000gsm
         ● Excellent— Pressure Smart XD 1900— BLUE— 2200gsm
         ● Very Good— Hospital Nursing Fleece— CHAMPAGNE— 1050 gsm

All products are machine washable in Woolskin. We recommend air-drying leather-backed products. Machine drying is possible for all other products.

Pressure sores are a severe health problem and can be a life-or-death issue. Christopher Reeve, aka Superman, died because of an infected pressure injury. Do everything you can to prevent a pressure sore; you may save a life. 

The Australian Standard Medical Sheepskin was developed to ensure that therapeutic sheepskins could be easily recognized and were consistently the same from one sheepskin to another. These sheepskins are identified by a stamp applied to the leather backing. The Australian Standard Medical Sheepskin is known as: AS4480.1

Authentic certified Australian Medical Sheepskins are URINE RESISTANT (UR) and have been proven ( in clinical trials ) to be very effective in preventing pressure sores. To see products that solve Pressure Sore problems, click " Products List. "

Bedsores, pressure injuries, and decubitus ulcers can develop in only 20 minutes and may take up to 6 months to heal. Pressure injury treatment in the USA amounts to US $11.00 = CA $15.29.6 billion per year. Use our Bed Sore Prevention products to protect those confined to a bed or wheelchair; before it is too late. Don't be one of those noted above. Bedsore Prevention is the logical, cost-effective, and most humane method of caring for those confined to a bed or wheelchair. Improved comfort following hip and knee replacement surgery is remarkable. Bedsores need not develop, and they can be prevented 95% of the time. American Family Physician, October 1996: v54, n5, p1519 (14).

Australian wool is the finest and highest quality, and demand for it has never been greater. Our company, Down-Under Wool, imports the best sheepskin and wool products from Australia and has been the benchmark for quality and service in this industry since 1988. These products (click Product List ) are made from the BEST Australian Wool and Sheepskin.

Beware! Most sheepskin products lack any proven therapeutic properties. Our FDA-certified sheepskin and Merino Wool products have demonstrated therapeutic effects and have effectively prevented Pressure Sores, Bed Sores, and Decubitus Ulcers. Down-Under Wool distributes clinically tested and proven medical sheepskin and lambswool products, and Down-Under Wool products are the best available and most effective.

Shear Comfort medical sheepskin products are guaranteed for up to 50 washes in other sheepskin manufacturer offers such a guarantee.

Summer! Wool excels in warm weather. A common misconception is that "wool and sheepskins are hot in summer. The converse is true. Wool is an excellent insulator and stops the heat from your mattress or chair from passing through your body. Wool also wicks perspiration away from your skin, making you feel dry and more relaxed. This all means that our products will make the user more comfortable in summer.

Winter! Wool is an excellent insulator, making it the ideal fiber for use during the winter. Wool insulates the body against heat loss, and wool helps to create a constant body temperature and an enhanced feeling of well-being.

Down-Under Wool is located in Niagara Falls, Canada, and wants to ensure that you receive the products best suited to your Pressure Sore Prevention needs. If you need advice about our products and their use for Pressure Sore Prevention and Treatment or would like to order our products on the phone, please call: 1- 800 - 463 -1985

Transactions on this site are processed in US Dollars. To pay in Canadian Dollars, call: 1- 800 - 463 - 1985

It is easy to understand why sores develop on heels, the tailbone, and elbows. Here, soft skin meets the unyielding surface of a bed or chair, and circulation is impaired. Tissues are deprived of blood, the skin breaks down, and a pressure sore/ulcer develops.

Economical and practical Bedsore & Pressure Sore Prevention and Treatment is now possible with the use of Australian HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin, Pressure Smart XD and Merino Wool products. These products have been proven effective in clinical trials and are approved by the FDA, CE, and TGA.

Australian HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin products offer those confined to a bed or wheelchair an economic level of 24/7 protection and will also improve the user's sense of well-being and comfort. HiTemp UR Australian Medical Sheepskins and Pressure Smart XD products are also suitable for use by incontinent clients - all other sheepskin products break down in the presence of urine. Urine resistance is an important property. If a person is not incontinent at present, it may develop later, making these long-lasting Medical Sheepskins a real asset down the road.

There are other green coloured sheepskins that are being offered on the web at lower prices. The reason for the lower price is that they are not therapeutic quality, not color fast, not Urine Resistant and not authentic Australian Medical Sheepskins. In other words, they are not the BEST!

BE AWARE! Not all GREEN Medical Sheepskins advertised on the internet are identical, and those without the HiTemp UR Stamp (see image below) are not Authentic Australian Medical Sheepskins. That means they may not be Urine Resistant, may have a lower pile density, poorer washability, and reduced longevity of usefulness, and are not guaranteed for up to 50 washes- in other words, "they do not meet the Australian Standard(AS4480.1 1998) for medical sheepskins."

BE AWARE! Only Authentic Australian Medical Sheepskins are regulated, guaranteed, and approved by the FDA, TGA, and CE. All authentic Australian Medical Sheepskin products have this stamp on the leather backing &/or on the product tag. If a product does not have this stamp, how do you know where it comes from or how it has been tanned?

NOTE: Stamp indicates both HiTemp wash and Urine Resistance (UR)

There are no better sheepskins available. Authentic Australian Medical Sheepskins are guaranteed for up to 50 washes; when washed in Woolskin. No other sheepskin product offers such a warranty! HiTemp UR Australian Medical Sheepskins ( with the stamp ) are "top-of-the-line"- only 5% of all sheepskins tanned in Australia are good enough to warrant this stamp. Some people have also found that these products help with their shingles symptoms.


Enjoy FREE shipping and handling for orders more than US $180.00 = CA $250.14 (in Canada & the Lower 48 States). Orders shipped to addresses outside Canada are Tax-FREE. Click on any price to select your home currency. All transactions are processed in US Dollars.
To pay in Canadian $ (CAD), call at 1-800- 463-1985.








Use this site to learn about Bedsores & Pressure Sore Prevention.

Click any of the following links:

       ● Bedsore/Pressure Sore Prevention - For bed and wheelchair products and research
       ● Medical Foot Care- for Sheepskin & Lambswool Foot Wear
       ● Product Care of Medical Sheepskin & Wool-Pile products using Woolskin


Now that you are here use the box below to find answers to your questions about pressure sores, Merino Wool, Medical Sheepskin and much more.


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Down-Under Wool recommends

1.   Bedsore/Pressure Sore Prevention Packages

(M104, M104XD, M120,  M200, M200XD or M107): for complete body protection: BEST

These packages ( see pictures and descriptions below) include one or more HiTemp Urine Resistant Sheepskins (M102 or SC104XD) that will protect the user from the shoulders to below the buttocks or the whole body.

The Pressure Care Assistant (M103XD) is usually placed at the bottom of the bed to protect the heels and ankles, being kept in place by flaps of linen wrapped under the mattress.

All products are urine resistant and are recommended for incontinent users. Also included is a bottle of Woolskin (1.0L) for laundering these products. This is sufficient for Woolskin to wash the M102 + M103XD twenty times.



For more information, Click on Bed Sore/Pressure Sore Prevention Packages or any of the above items.

Enjoy FREE Shipping and Handling of these packages in Canada and the Lower 48 States of the USA. UPS Overnight delivery is available to US and Canadian addresses at extra cost.

Click " Contact" to obtain a quote, or call 1-800-463-1985. Click on any price to select your home currency. All online transactions are processed in US Dollars.

2.  New Wool Technology from Australia  


New technology has produced the Pressure Smart XD1900 product line. The feel, texture and pile density of these products is remarkable. They feel, behave and look like top-quality sheepskin but are much easier to look after than sheepskin. And they are warranted up to 50 washes in Woolskin.

Pressure Smart XD1900 products are made from 100% Australian Merino Wool. With a 30mm pile, these wool products have a pile density greater than most sheepskins - up to 1900 g/square meter. The pile density of sheepskins varies significantly from one to another, most being much less than this.

All Pressure Smart XD1900 products have this extra dense 1900g/square meter pile of Merino wool with the hand or feel of natural sheepskin. Pressure Smart XD1900 products are proven to effectively redistribute pressure, reduce shear and friction and successfully wick moisture, which all work to prevent skin damage and ulceration and are FDA-approved.



Pressure Smart XD1900 products offer:

●       Pressure Reducing Capability: Greater cushioning in pressure-sensitive areas such as the tailbone area, heels, elbows, ankles, and buttocks creates a 61% reduction in peak pressure.

●     Shear and Friction Management: The wool fibers' ability to contour and cushion the body reduces resistance. The Pressure Smart XD1900 surface creates a 38% reduction of shear and friction.

●     Moisture Management: Wool absorbs up to 30% of its weight in water, which means that the skin is kept dry; moisture is wicked away. Wicks moisture away from the skin at nearly the rate developed in Australian Medical grade sheepskins.

●     Machine Wash and dry: Easy care and remarkable longevity without loss of therapeutic action. Machine wash and dry. 

●     Thermal Control Capabilities: Effectively regulates body temperature and can be used in summer and winter.

●     Natural Odor Prevention: Wool is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial.

Pressure Smart XD1900 products

Pressure Smart XD1900 Overlay ( M102XD)— the Pressure Smart equivalent of M102

●     Pressure Reducing Capability: Greater cushioning in pressure-sensitive areas such as the tailbone area, heels, elbows, ankles, and buttocks creates a 61% reduction in peak pressure.

●     Shear and Friction Management: The wool fibers' ability to contour and cushion the body reduces resistance. The Pressure Smart XD1900 surface creates a 38% reduction of shear and friction.

●     Moisture Management: Wool absorbs up to 30% of its weight in water, which means that the skin is kept dry; moisture is wicked away. Wicks moisture away from the skin at nearly the rate developed in Australian Medical grade sheepskins.

●     Machine Wash and dry: Easy care and remarkable longevity without loss of therapeutic action. Machine wash and dry.

●     Thermal Control Capabilities: Effectively regulates body temperature and can be used in summer and winter.

●    Natural Odor Prevention: Wool is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial.

Pressure Smart XD1900 products

3.   Superior HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin Pad (SC104)— BEST

The Superior HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin Pad provides the ultimate whole-body protection from bedsores and pressure sores. The best parts of 3 premium grade HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskins are sewn together to produce a machine washable pressure sore prevention pad- 30" x 60". This makes them large enough to protect from head to toe. Because these premium HiTemp UR Australian Medical Sheepskins have been tanned for urine resistance, they are the only sheepskins suitable for use by incontinent clients- all others will quickly break down.

Down-Under Wool warrants that this product will maintain its properties for up to 50 washes provided that Woolskin-Sheepskin Shampoo & Conditioner is used. Woolskin contains Tea Tree Oil- a natural disinfectant, fungicide and dust mite killer.

Also available is the Pressure Smart XD 1900 Superior Overlay- (SC104XD). These are the same size (30" x 60"), have up to twice the amount of wool, and are machine washable and machine dry- making them easier to care for than the corresponding sheepskin. Urine Resistant too. Pressure Smart XD Superior Overlays are included in our Deluxe Pressure Sore Prevention Packages.



4.   Wheelchair Pressure Sore Prevention Package ( M120)

This Wheelchair Package contains:

●     Two Wheelchair Pads (M128AS): made from HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin. Fully adjustable Velcro straps keep the Wheelchair Pads in place. One is placed on the back of the wheelchair, the other on the seat.

●     HiTemp Wheelchair Arm Pads-pair (M125G): plush Medical Sheepskin under the arms of the client; provide a soft protective layer

●     HiTemp Wheelchair Footplate Covers-pair(M126) protect and comfort bare feet

●     Woolskin (W103E): the detergent developed by the tanning industry for the cleaning, disinfection and conditioning of sheepskin. This 1.0L bottle will wash this package 20 times.

Order this package now. Click: Order now and save with FREE shipping.

Enjoy FREE shipping and Handling of this package in continental North America. UPS Overnight delivery is available to US and Canadian addresses at extra cost.

5.   Medical Sheepskin Wheelchair Pads

Australian Medical Sheepskin wheelchair pads prevent pressure sores from developing in people who use a wheelchair. These high-pile density pads are Merino sheepskins- the best there is.

Available as a 17' x 18" Seat Pad in HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin ( M128AS) or as a full chair pad- 18" x 36" ( M128BS) that will cover the seat and the back of the chair. Both pads are held in place by elastic straps. Machine wash in Woolskin to ensure disinfection and conditioning of the leatherback of the sheepskin.


For arm protection, use Medical Sheepskin Wheelchair Arm Covers - M125G. Two machine washable strips of sheepskin are held onto the wheelchair arm with Velcro straps- 14" long. Wash with Woolskin.

For foot comfort and protection, use Sheepskin Foot Plate Covers- M126G. Wash with Woolskin.

Click a blue SKU to order.

6.   The Hospital Wool Fleece

The Hospital Wool Fleece offers the benefits of Merino wool in many sizes. To produce the Hospital Wool Fleece, wool is shorn from the sheep and knitted into a backing material, creating a surface that looks and feels like a sheepskin fleece. These are incredible products with a 30 mm pile density of 1050 GSM (grams per square meter).

The premium quality, excellent Merino wool in Nursing Fleece has all of the properties of wool that make it so effective. Hospital Wool Fleece pads will reduce pressure, skin moisture and friction- the 3 major causes of pressure sores, bedsores and decubitus ulcers. All products are machine washable and can be dried in the dryer. Best care is provided by washing in Woolskin to condition and disinfect the wool.

Hospital Wool Fleeces are available in the following sizes:

●     F103A- 18" x 20"..Wheelchair Seat Cover

●     F103B- 18" x 36"..Wheelchair Seat & Back Cover

●     F103C - 30" x 60"..Bed Cover

●     F102 - 35" x 80" ..Hospital Bed Mattress Cover

The Hospital Nursing Fleece

●      F102 - 35"x 80" The Hospital Bed Nursing Fleece



Order now by clicking on F102

7.   Wool Duvets and Wool Pillows

SnugSleep duvets offer the advantages of wool for a good night's sleep every night. Light, breathable and warm, these duvets add a new level of luxury. Wool is encased in breathable 200-count percale unbleached cotton and provides insulation and body moisture control. For more information and to Order, click Duvet.


Snugsleep Wool Knop Pillows offer the advantages of wool and are moldable to the shape you like. These pillows keep your neck and head dry, giving you a good night's sleep every night. This means you will wake up refreshed and free from the stiff neck caused by body moisture evaporating from the neck area. For more information and to Order, click Pillow.


8.   MiniJumbuk SuperWool Underlay


Twin, Double, Queen and King sizes with an all mattress elasticised skirt: 

Machine Washable

Placing a MiniJumbuk SuperWool luxurious underlay on your mattress and covering it with a fitted sheet will give you a great night's sleep-every night!.


Memory foam mattresses can cause users to feel hot while sleeping. This can be prevented by covering the mattress with a SuperWool Underlay. Available in all bed sizes. For more information and to Order, click Underlay.


Our HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin products and Pressure Smart XD1900 products are FDA classified for "General Hospital and Personal Use". They also have Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administration approval (TGA) and the CE mark in Europe. All these agencies have approved the use of these medical devices for the prevention, relief and healing of pressure ulcers, bedsores, pressure sores and decubitus ulcers. Bedsore, Bedsore Prevention, Medical Sheepskin and Wool-Pile products can be seen in our online Store.

For exclusive Shear Comfort and Pressure Care Products, click Shear Comfort.

Use our secure online Store and secure PayPal payment systems to purchase our Australian Medical Sheepskin and Wool-Pile products. Down-Under Wool imports only the very best Australian Sheepskin and Wool-Pile products. All products are in stock and are immediately available for shipping.

Use Australian Medical Sheepskin and Merino Wool products to:

 ●    prevent and aid the healing of bed sores, pressure sores and pressure ulcers

 ●    add comfort and enhance the total body well-being of those confined to a bed or wheelchair.


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