
All products available from this Pressure Sore Prevention & Treatment web site are Australian and are

the best available. Down-Under Wool only imports premium grade sheepskin and wool products from Australia

and guarantees their authenticity and quality.

All HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskins are selected and tanned to exceed the Australian Medical Sheepskin

Standard (AS4480.1), which guarantees their exceedingly high quality and therapeutic properties.

Shear Comfort products are guaranteed by the manufacturer for 50 washes, when appropriate procedures

and Woolskin are used.

All items listed on our web site and Online Store are in our Niagara Falls (Ontario) warehouse; ready

for immediate shipping, worldwide. Please Note: All transactions are processed in US Dollars (USD ).

Call 1-800-463-1985 if we can assist or you would like to pay in CAD.

If you have any problems with a Down-Under Wool product, please call 1-800-463-1985 or email

us using the Contact Us form, and we will correct the problem ASAP.
