Leg and heel pressure ulcers are common in many healthcare settings, affecting all age groups, and are costly in terms of human suffering and use of resources.

Feet of people confined to a bed are very susceptible to the development of Pressure Sores, Bed Sores and Decubitus Ulcers. Pressure sores on heels and ankles occur too frequently  and can usually be prevented.

 Pressure, friction and moisture reduction is necessary if foot bedsores are to be prevented. Australian Medical Sheepskin and Merino Wool products are the best cost effective devices available for the prevention of pressure sores. Scroll down this page to see products that prevent pressure sores on the feet. Use the Shoe Size Chart below to determine the size that you need.


1. Place a piece of paper on the floor

2. Stand on the piece of paper.

3. Place a mark on the paper at your heel and at the tip of your longest toe.

4. Measure the distance between the 2 marks and use the table below.

Shoe Size Conversion Table for Adult Men and Women.
Europe 35 35½ 36 37 37½ 38 38½ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46½ 48½ Europe
Japan Men 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5 27.5 28.5 29.5 30.5 31.5 Japan Men
Japan Ladies 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 27 28 29 30 31 Japan Ladies
U.S. & Canada Men 4 5 6 7 8 9 10½ 11½ 12½ 14 U.S. & Canada Men
U.S. & Canada Women 5 6 7 8 9 10 10.5 12 13 14 15.5 U.S. & Canada Women
Inches 9 91/8 93/8 95/8 97/8 10 101/8 10¼ 10½ 10¾ 11 11¼ 11½ Inches
Centimeters 22.8 23.1 23.5 23.8 24.1 24.5 24.8 25.1 25.4 25.7 26 26.7 27.3 27.9 28.6 29.2 Centimeters

Down-Under Wool offers a variety of Medical Footwear products for the Prevention of Pressure Sores. All products are made from Medical Sheepskin or Merino Lambswool. All use the "miracle properties" of wool to reduce pressure, skin moisture and shear ..the 3 most common causes of Pressure Sores and Decubitus Ulcers.

Medical Wool Footcare features:

  • Covered seams and high wool fiber density to protect feet from external damage.
  • Pressure redistribution properties that help to dissipate the build-up of pressure, reducing the risk of internal tissue damage
  • Shear reduction properties that reduce the risk of friction damage
  • air insulation in the wool that helps to promote better blood circulation
  • moisture absorbing properties of wool; that reduces the risk of skin maceration from sweat accumulation

Use of Medical Sheepskin Footwear is important for those with diabetes.

Medical sheepskin will prevent:

  • Nerve and blood vessel damage that often leads to amputation
  • Greater risk of damage to the feet, deformation, and slow recovery
  • Ulceration with risk of infection, which can be lethal.

Protecting feet from damage could be a life saver!

Click on a picture to Order or for product information.



  • Shear Comfort Heel Protector: SC112
  • Pressure Smart XD: Pressure Care Assist XD1900: M103XD
  • Orthopedic Wrap Booties: M161:
  • Lambswool Footwarmers: M160: 
  • Merino Woolly Footwarmers: M162:
  • Sheepskin Heel Pads: M112: 
  • Footcare Lambswool.: L101  click Footwool for more details.


 Shear Comfort Heel Protectors (SC112) -  Made from HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin, these Heel Protectors offer the ultimate in heel protection. The dense Merino wool pile protects by reducing pressure and shear while absorbing moisture to protect the skin. A large velcro strap goes over the top of the foot to hold the Heel Protector in place. Machine washable in Woolskin.

To order, click: Heel Protectors


Pressure Smart XD1900: The Pressure Care Assist XD(M103XD)

The Pressure Care Assist XD provides the ideal environment for the feet' while in bed. It is made up of a 12 " X 26" Pressure Smart XD 1900 Merino wool pad with side flaps that wrap round the mattress to keep the pad in place. The Pressure Care Assist provides excellent pressure reduction when placed under the calves and heels. The Pressure Care Assist is machine washable and is conditioned and  disinfected when washed in Woolskin.

To Order, click Assist:

The Pressure Care Assist XD1900 is an FDA approved Medical Device.


Orthopedic Wrap Booties ( M161 ) 

Wrap Bootie:s M161

Wrap the whole foot in luxurious, machine washable Wool-Pile. The foot is placed on the sole and the tongue folds up over the foot; being held in place by Velcro flaps. One size fits all. Sold in pairs. To order, click:Bootie.

For more information, click: Wrap

Lambswool Footwarmers:( M160):

Lambswool Footwarmers: M160

 Cold feet? We have the solution. Lambswool Footwarmers will place soft, soothing warm lambswool against your skin- ending cold foot discomfort. Made from luxurious Merino lambswool, finished with a knitted stretchy ankle top. No seams at pressure points. Machine washable. Keeps feet warm and dry. Sold in pairs. Available as Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Now available with a non-slip sole.

For more information, click Warm.

M162: Merino Woolly Footwarmers


Cold Feet?? Not any more if you wear our new Merino Woolly Footwarmers. Made from fine Merino wool, these Woolly Footwarmers offer the best  in comfort and protection. Wear in bed, or sitting in a chair. Can be used as boot liners also. Ideal for those people who have poor foot circulation and always seem to have "cold feet".

5 Sizes: 

M162S: Small- Sizes 5-6

M162M: Medium- Sizes 7-8

M162L: Large- Sizes 9-10

M162XL: Extra-Large: Sizes 11-12

M162XXL: Extra-Extra large: Sizes 13-14


Machine washable and machine dry.


Medical Sheepskin Heel Pad:( M112 )

Sheepskin Heel Pad: M112

Surrounds heel with dense pile, machine washable Medical Sheepskin. Held in place by a Velcro strap. Reduces heel pressure, absorbs moisture and protects against bedsores. One size fits all.

For more information, click Heel.

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