Product Overview
Pressure Smart XD1900 ~ Cushion-It: M105XD
BEST for Wheelchair Pressure Reduction
XD1900 meets the Australian Standard AS4480.1 for medical sheepskins.
The Cushion-It out-performs all corresponding sheepskin products. They are usually used for the seat and the back of a chair. This very successful product can improve the comfort of any chair, whether it is an office chair, arm chair, a canvas wheelchair seat, or in combination with a pressure care cushion. The Cushion-It features Velcro fastening straps that can be fastened underneath existing seating materials if so desired. Some people prefer to have their Cushion-It loose so that it can be easily moved to different chairs or car. The Cushion-It provides an ideal seating environment, allowing air to circulate while dispersing pressure and shear forces.
Size: 18" x 22"
The Pressure Smart XD1900 Wheelchair Cushion-It is the latest wheelchair innovation for Pressure Sore Prevention. The extremely dense wool-pile (1900 grams of wool /square meter of surface) offers pressure reduction like no other wool surface. Shear Comfort ceased manufacturing the HiTemp UR Medical Sheepskin version of the Cushion-It because it was determined that Pressure Smart XD1900 surface gave better Pressure Reduction- see pressure maps below.
Pressure maps show the effectiveness of XD Cushion-Its:
The Pressure Smart XD Cushion-It has a remarkable moisture absorption ability. The wool can absorb up to 33% of its own weight without feeling wet..unlike synthetic fibres that absorb up to 1%. This one feature solves a major problem for many people in a wheelchair..synthetic cushions make you sweat.-memory foam makes you sweat.
Use one Cushion-It on the seat and the other on the back of the chair. Cushion-Its are held in place by nylon straps with velcro attachments.
Car Seat: Use to protect leather car seats and add comfort while in your car or truck. Really nice in winter.
Customers in Australia: Our partner in Australia will ship this item to you for $20.00. If you would like to accept this offer, contact us by clicking: Contact. Complete the form and we will send you an Invoice for Payment.
Machine washable in Woolskin. Woolskin will condition and disinfect the wool. Cushion-Its are not adversely affected by urine and they are ideal wheelchair cushions for incontinent clients.
Wash in washing machine with Woolskin. May be dried in the dryer at low heat with low agitation. Do not overdry. Wool does best with a 15% residual moisture level.