Product Overview
Pressure Smart XD1900 ~ Pressure Care Assistant: M103XD
BEST product for Foot Pressure Sore Prevention.
XD1900 material conforms to the Australian Standard AS4480.1 for medical sheepskins.
Stop the burning sensation on your heels and prevent pressure sores. The Pressure Smart XD Pressure Chare Assistant(M103XD) is a soft pressure reducing pad of Merino wool (12" x 26") with linen flaps that wrap around the mattress to keep it in place. Most often, it is used at the bottom of the bed to protect the feet and ankles. Heel Posies.
Can also be used in the buttocks area for localised pressure sore prevention.
The soft wool surface provides protection and freedom to move ones feet at the same time. Stops the "burning feeling" of heels in contact with the sheet. The Pressure Care Assist allows for foot movement and protection at the same time. Most users have found using the Pressure Care Assist preferable to wearing
Size: 12" deep by 26" wide with linen side flaps. Suitable for a Twin sized bed or a Hospital Bed. Can also be used on larger beds by attaching flaps to the sheet with safety pins. Some people find that they do not need the flaps; so they cut them off.This is easy to do with a sharp pair of scissors. Use the Pressure Care Assist for localised Pressure Sore Prevention eg, shoulders, ears, buttocks and heels.
Machine wash and machine dry. Wash in Woolskin for best care. Woolskin will condition and disinfect the wool.
Customers in Australia: Our partner in Australia will ship this item to you for $20.00. If you would like to accept this offer, contact us by clicking: Contact. Complete the form and we will send you an Invoice for Payment.