Shear Comfort Palm Protector: SC115

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1.50 LBS
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Product Overview


Shear Comfort Palm Protector: SC115


Protect palms and help hands relax with Shear Comfort Palm Protectors- made from soft  Merino Lambswool. Palm Protectors can be easily tightened or loosened with the velcro strap.  Shear Comfort Palm Protectors offer relief for curling fingers, protracted fingers and cramping.


The Shear Comfort Palm Protector is put on over the thumb and around the hand, providing a cushioning pad for the fingers to curl onto, preventing the nails from digging into the palm.The Shear Comfort Palm Protector also keeps the fingers warm and supported. 

 These Palm protectors are sold singly, and can be used on either hand.



Sold as a single unit- can be used on either hand.

Customers in Australia: Our partner in Australia will ship this item to you for $20.00.  If you would like to accept this offer, contact us by clicking: Contact. Complete the form and we will send you an Invoice for Payment.

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 Wash in Woolskin to clean, condition and disinfect these Shear Comfort Palm Protectors

This is one of many products offered by Down-Under Wool for the Prevention of Pressure Sores, Bedsores & Decubitus Ulcers. To see these products click"Product List


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