Woolskin: Sheepskin Shampoo & Conditioner

Woolskin: Sheepskin Shampoo & Conditioner

Down-Under Wool is the Canadian distributor of Woolskin-Sheepskin Conditioner and Shampoo. Woolskin was developed by TanTech in colaboration with the tanning industry in Australia; specifically for washing sheepskin. Many detergents will effectively wash wool, but WOOLSKIN washes and disinfects wool AND conditions the leather backing; keeping it soft and supple.  Euclan, another wool wash product on the market, is a non-rinse product. Woolskin use involves rinsing the contaminants from the wool. In fact, double rinsing is recommended. 

Woolskin is the Sheepskin Shampoo & Woolwash -  the product that conditions the leather and the wool. Do not use household detergents or Woolite for washing sheepskin..the leather backing of the sheepskin may be permanently damaged.

Woolskin contains Tea Tree Oil and Myrtle Tree Oil - natural fungicides & miticides. Woolskin is not effective against viruses.

Woolskin is specifically formulated to clean, disinfect and condition washable sheepskin.  Woolskin kills and will remove mites from all natural fibre products; including sheepskin, wool, fur, and feathers- an important consideration for people with dust mite allergies.

Woolskin  contains:

  • Tea tree oil ( Melaleuca alternifolia)- is a natural miticide (effective against dust mites), fungicide and bacteriostat.
  • unique blend of surfactants and conditioning agents that lubricate the sheepskin leather and will give an improved  lustre and handle to the wool fibre.
  • fatty liquor conditioning agents that actually enhance the sheepskin leather and wool with repeated use.

Woolskin has recently been tested by WRONZ (Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand). They found that Woolskin is effective in killing dust mites and washing with Woolskin removes all dust mite allergens. Woolskin achieves these results, using the recommended quantity, with a 4- minute wool cycle wash at 33.5°C.

Woolskin kills Dust Mites and removes dust mite allergens. Woolskin is biodegradable. Note: Detergents containing enzymes, phosphates, peroxide, alkali or bleach cause irreversible damage to sheepskin leather. Woolskin does not contain any of these.

Please Note: If you use a regular household detergent or Woolite  to wash a sheepskin, it may cause permanent damage to the leather backing.

 Use Woolskin to condition, clean and disinfect sheepskin rugs, sheepskin slippers and UGG boots.

UGG Boots: Most UGG boots and sheepskin footwear should be hand washed as per laundry instructions for sheepskin.

Spot Cleaning: Apply a small amount of shampoo to the area to be treated and apply an light even coat of Woolskin. Using a damp white or dye fast cloth, wipe over to gently remove soiling. Continue to wipe the surface until all of the shampoo is removed. Dry with a dry white or dye fast cloth. Complete by air drying. 

Click washing instructions for advice. To order Woolskin, click Order:

Woolskin is sold in 5 formats:

Woolskin  is available in Canada and the USA from:


  • This web site:  www.medicalsheepskins.com
  • Irish Design: 38 Queen St. Niagara-on-the Lake.
  • Simpson's Pharmacy: 1882 Niagara Stone Road, Virgil
  • Boot Shop: 46 James St., St. Catharines
  • Horse World Emporium: 27 Maywood St., St. Catharines
  • Passionknit Ltd., 3232 Yonge St. Toronto
  • Romni Wools: 658 Queen St., Toronto
  • Warm & Wonderful Wool: 69 King St., Dundas
  • Beehive Wool Shop: 1700 Douglas St., Victoria, BC
  • Southern Cross Sheepskins Inc., 412 East 59th Avenue, Vancouver
  • Sunshine Coast Slipper Factory: 5655 Cowrie St., Sechelt
  • PharmaSave Revelstoke
  • PharmaSave Summerland

See our Medical Sheepskin and Wool-Pile products by clicking: Online Store.

Woolskin  is imported from Australia by:  Down-Under Wool: The Pressure Sore Prevention  Specialists.

Down-Under Wool is the North American Agent & Distributor of Woolskin.

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