With a background in the tanning industry, Tantech Pty Ltd was established to develop and market a specialty detergent for washing and conditioning Medical Sheepskins, as prescribed by the new Australian Standard- AS4480.1. The Gold Standard for Medical Sheepskin is identified as AS4480.1 was developed by scientists the CSIRO- the Australian Government research institute.
The Australian Medical Sheepskin was developed to enable medical sheepskins to be washed at 80°C, such as in hospital & aged care laundries, to sterilise the sheepskin. Where high temperature washing is not possible, such as domestic washing, the detergent had to sterilise the sheepskin chemically. Our sheepskin detergent met both these requirements.
Our sheepskin detergent: WOOLSKIN washed and disinfected the wool and leather, it was also found to do the same with alpaca, mohair & cashmere as well as cotton.
Woolskin contains a special blend of melaleuca and tea tree oil (well known natural oils) that have antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties. The Wool Research Organisation of New Zealand (WRONZ), found Woolskin to be effective against dust mites. The detergent, which is pH neutral was also found to not cause skin irritation for people who are sensitive to normal washing detergents.